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San Antonio Adoption Agency and Texas Adoption 

We understand the emotional and physical torment a birth mother experiences when she is pregnant and does not want to be.  One of the toughest decisions you will ever make will be in deciding whether you should keep your baby, have an abortion or go through the process of adoption.    We also understand your decision may affect not only you or your baby but other children you have at home.  


We hope to answer any questions you may have as regards birth father involvement (yes you can move forward without father involvement although we welcome any questions or concerns a birth father may have), open or closed adoptions, selecting a family (or not), etc.  Our desire and our goal is that you will be at peace with whatever your decision may be.  Sacrificing so that your baby may receive the best possible care, education and opportunities, is the most unselfish act there is.


We will listen and honor your request as far as receiving photos of the baby throughout the years and will make arrangements for you to meet the adoptive family if you so choose.  These are personal decisions that only you can make; there are no right or wrong choices.  


Our agency staff will assist and discuss your alternatives and will provide counseling and support as you decide what is best for you.  

texas adoption birth assistance

Assisting Birth Mothers since 1985

“A birth mother puts the needs of her child above the  wants of her heart.” - Skye Hardwick

Birth Mother Benefits


We’ll simplify the adoption process so you can focus on what is best for you and your child. Offering services for everyone involved; we assist birth parents, adoptive parents, family members and future siblings. 

San Antonio abortion help

Licensed in Texas

Open 7 days a week

English and Spanish counseling

San Antonio Adoption Agency
Schedule Free

Our adoption services are completely confidential and our professionals can assist you in every step of the process. No matter what part of the adoption process you need help with, we are here for you. Please contact us today.

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Adoption is not a birthmother's rejection but an unconditional love that inspires her to put herself last and do all she can for her baby.


“Giving birth does not make a mother.  Placing a child for
adoption does not make her less of one”
                          Author Unknown

Elvira (Vera) Marquez, M.A., L.P.C. Director of Placement Services Please feel free to call me anytime

or you can text me directly at


Call Us :(210) 227-7820 

Text Us: (210) 672-8191

24/7 Birth Mother Support

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